very: ความหมายและคำอธิบายความหมาย


very คืออะไร

very คืออะไร

  • In a high degree; extremely: very happy; very much admired.
  • Truly; absolutely: the very best advice; attended the very same schools.
  • Used in titles: the Very Reverend Jane Smith.
  • Complete; absolute: at the very end of his career; the very opposite.
  • Being the same one; identical: the very question she asked yesterday.
  • Being particularly suitable or appropriate: the very item needed to increase sales.
  • Being precisely as stated: the very center of town.
  • Mere: The very thought is frightening.
  • Actual: caught in the very act of stealing.
  • Genuine; true: "Like very sanctity, she did approach” ( Shakespeare).

