battling-lutando contra: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


battling คืออะไร battling แปลว่า lutando contra

lutando contra คืออะไร

  • A growing fat, or the process of causing to grow fat; a fattening.

    Um crescente fat ou o processo de causar para engordar; um engorda.

  • That which nourishes or fattens, as food, or feed for animals, or manure for soil.

    O que nutre ou engorda, como alimento, ou ração para animais, ou estrume para o solo.

  • Nourishing; fattening.

    Nutritivo; engorda.

  • Fertile.


  • Present participle of battle.

    Presente particípio da batalha.

