lightning-fulmine: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


lightning คืออะไร lightning แปลว่า fulmine

fulmine คืออะไร

  • An abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere.

    Una scarica elettrica naturale improvvisa e discontinua nell'atmosfera.

  • The visible flash of light accompanying such a discharge.

    Il lampo di luce visibile che accompagna tale scarica.

  • Informal A sudden, usually improbable stroke of fortune.

    Informale Un colpo di fortuna improvviso, di solito improbabile.

  • To discharge a flash of lightning.

    Per scaricare un lampo di fulmine.

  • Moving or occurring with remarkable speed or suddenness.

    Muoversi o verificarsi con notevole velocità o repentinità.

