stretch: ความหมายและคำอธิบายความหมาย


stretch คืออะไร

  • To lengthen, widen, or distend: stretched the sweater out of shape.
  • To cause to extend from one place to another or across a given space: stretched the banner between two poles.
  • To make taut; tighten: stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped.
  • To reach or put forth; extend: stretched out his hand.
  • To extend (oneself or one's limbs, for example) to full length: stretched her calves before running.
  • To extend (oneself) when lying down: she stretched herself out on the couch.
  • To put to torture on the rack.
  • To wrench or strain (a muscle, for example).
  • To extend or enlarge beyond the usual or proper limits: stretch the meaning of a word.
  • To subject to undue strain: to stretch one's patience.
  • To expand in order to fulfill a larger function: stretch a budget; stretch a paycheck.
  • To increase the quantity of by admixture or dilution: stretch a meal by thinning the stew.
  • To prolong: stretch out an argument.
  • Informal To fell by a blow: stretched his opponent in the first round.
  • To become lengthened, widened, or distended.
  • To extend or reach over a distance or area or in a given direction: "On both sides of us stretched the wet plain” ( Ernest Hemingway).
  • To lie down at full length: stretched out on the bed.
  • To extend one's muscles or limbs, as after prolonged sitting or on awakening.
  • To extend over a given period of time: "This story stretches over a whole generation” ( William Golding).
  • The act of stretching or the state of being stretched.
  • The extent or scope to which something can be stretched; elasticity.
  • A continuous or unbroken length, area, or expanse: an empty stretch of highway.
  • A straight section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line.
  • A continuous period of time.
  • Slang A term of imprisonment: served a two-year stretch.