one: significado y definiciones

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Qué es one?

  • Being a single entity, unit, object, or living being.
  • Characterized by unity; undivided: They spoke with one voice.
  • Of the same kind or quality: two animals of one species.
  • Forming a single entity of two or more components: three chemicals combining into one solution.
  • Being a single member or element of a group, category, or kind: I'm just one player on the team.
  • Being a single thing in contrast with or relation to another or others of its kind: One day is just like the next.
  • Occurring or existing as something indefinite, as in time or position: He will come one day.
  • Occurring or existing as something particular but unspecified, as in time past: late one evening.
  • Informal Used as an intensive: That is one fine dog.
  • Being the only individual of a specified or implied kind: the one person I could marry; the one horse that can win this race.
  • The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1, designating the first such unit in a series.
  • A single person or thing; a unit: This is the one I like best.
  • A one-dollar bill.
  • An indefinitely specified individual: She visited one of her cousins.
  • An unspecified individual; anyone: "The older one grows the more one likes indecency” ( Virginia Woolf).
  • at one In accord or unity.
  • one and all Everyone.
  • one by one Individually in succession.