needled: significado y definiciones

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Qué es needled?

  • A slender, pointed implement used for sewing or surgical suturing, made usually of polished steel and having an eye at one end through which a length of thread is passed and held. Any of various similar implements, such as a fine sharp-pointed instrument used in acupuncture or a pointed shaft used in knitting, crocheting, or lace making. A sharp-pointed instrument used in engraving.
  • A slender piece of jewel or steel used to transmit vibrations from the grooves of a phonograph record.
  • A slender pointer or indicator on a dial, scale, or similar part of a mechanical device. A magnetic needle.
  • A hypodermic needle. Informal A hypodermic injection; a shot.
  • Chiefly Upper Northern US See dragonfly.
  • A narrow stiff leaf, as of a pine or fir.
  • A fine, sharp projection, as a spine of a sea urchin or a crystal.
  • A tall narrow rock formation. An obelisk.
  • Informal A goading, provoking, or teasing remark or act.
  • To prick, pierce, or stitch with a needle.
  • Informal To goad, provoke, or tease.