fundamental-grundlegende: significado, definiciones y traducciones

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Qué es fundamental?fundamental es grundlegende

Qué es grundlegende?

  • Of or relating to the foundation or base; elementary: the fundamental laws of the universe.
    von oder in Bezug auf die Stiftung oder Basis; elementar: die Grundgesetze des Universums.
  • Forming or serving as an essential component of a system or structure; central: an example that was fundamental to the argument.
    Bilden oder dienen als wesentlicher Bestandteil eines Systems oder einer Struktur; ZENTRAL: Ein Beispiel, das für die Argumentation von grundlegender Bedeutung war.
  • Of great significance or entailing major change: a book that underwent fundamental revision.
  • Physics Of or relating to the component of lowest frequency of a periodic wave or quantity.
  • Physics Of or relating to the lowest possible frequency of a vibrating element or system.
  • Music Having the root in the bass: a fundamental chord.
  • Something that is an essential or necessary part of a system or object.
  • Music The first harmonic in a harmonic series; the lowest harmonic.
  • Physics The lowest frequency of a periodically varying quantity or of a vibrating system.