engaged-es dediquen: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


engaged คืออะไรengaged แปลว่า es dediquen

es dediquen คืออะไร

  • Employed, occupied, or busy.
    Compte d'altri, ocupat o ocupada.
  • Committed, as to a cause.
    Compromeses, com per una causa.
  • Pledged to marry; betrothed: an engaged couple.
    Es va comprometre a casar-se; promesa: una parella compromesos.
  • Involved in conflict or battle.
    Involucrats en conflictes o batalla.
  • Being in gear; meshed.
    Estar en marxa; malla.
  • Partly embedded in, built into, or attached to another part, as columns on a wall.
    Parcialment incrustada, integrada, o adscrits a una altra part, com a columnes en una paret.