bomb: significado y definiciones

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Qué es bomb?

  • An explosive weapon detonated by impact, proximity to an object, a timing mechanism, or other means. An atomic or nuclear bomb. Used with the.
  • Any of various weapons detonated to release destructive material, such as smoke or gas.
  • Football A long forward pass.
  • A container capable of withstanding high internal pressure. A vessel for storing compressed gas. A portable, manually operated container that ejects a spray, foam, or gas under pressure.
  • Slang A dismal failure; a fiasco.
  • Slang An old car.
  • Slang One that is excellent or superior. Used with the.
  • Chiefly British Slang A large amount of money. A great success.
  • To drop a bomb or bombs.
  • Slang To fail miserably: The play bombed.
  • Slang To paint a graffito.