revelareveals: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة البرتغالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىrevela؟ معنى revela هو reveals

ما معنىreveals؟

  • Tirar o véu a.

    Take off the veil to.

  • Declarar; descobrir.

    Declare; find out.

  • Manifestar.


  • Denunciar.


  • Fazer conhecer (o que era ignorado ou secreto).

    Make known (what was ignored or secret).

  • Fazer aparecer a imagem no negativo ou numa cópia fotográfica.

    Make the image appear in the negative or in a photo copy.

  • Conhecer carnalmente uma mulher.

    Meet a woman carnally.

  • Ser revel.

    Be revel.

  • O mesmo que rebelar.

    Same as rebelling.

  • Manifestar-se; patentear-se; mostrar-se.

    Manifest; patent; show up.

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