reservar-making your reservation at: meaning, definitions and translations

Portuguese dictionaryPortugueseEnglish

What is reservar? reservar is making your reservation at

What is making your reservation at?

  • Guardar; conservar.

    Save; keep.

  • Poupar; pôr de parte.

    Save; put it aside.

  • Preservar, defender.

    Preserve, defend.

  • Adiar; fazer esperar; demorar.

    Postpone; make it wait; delay.

  • Destinar para fim ou ocasião determinada.

    Intended for a given purpose or occasion.

  • Fazer segredo de.

    Make secret of.

  • Guardar-se para outra ocasião.

    Save yourself for another occasion.

  • Guardar para si.

    Keep it to yourself.

  • Ficar de reserva.

    Stay on reserve.

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