referirrefer to: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة البرتغالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىreferir؟معنى referir هو refer to

ما معنىrefer to؟

  • Narrar, contar.
    Narrate, tell.
  • Imputar; fazer derivar de, atribuir.
    Impute; to derive from, assign.
  • Destinar, aplicar (a um fim determinado).
    Allocate, apply (to a given purpose).
  • Comparar, tomar para termo de comparação.
    Compare, take to comparison term.
  • Aludir, fazer alusão a.
    Alluding, alluding to.
  • Dizer respeito a, ter relação com.
    Relate to, have relationship with.
  • Citar, alegar (para confirmar o que se diz).
    Quote, plead (to confirm what is said).