pálio-Pallium: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is pálio? pálio is Pallium

What is Pallium?

  • Capa, manto.

    Cape, robe.

  • Espécie de dossel sustido por varas, debaixo do qual vai o Sacramento nas procissões ou os reis nos cortejos.

    A kind of canopy held by sticks, under which goes the Sacrament in processions or kings in processions.

  • Insígnia que o papa concede aos arcebispos e a alguns bispos.

    Insignia that the pope grants to archbishops and some bishops.

  • Grande luxo ou pompa (ex.: foi recebido com pálio).

    Great luxury or pomp (e.g. it was received with pallium).



  • Córtex cerebral.

    Cerebral cortex.

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