marro- marro: význam, definície a preklady

Portugalčina slovník%dictionary_xs%Angličtina

Čo je marro? marro je marro

Čo je marro?

  • Bater com os chifres.

    Hit with the horns.

  • Dar marrada.

    Give marrada.

  • Bater com o marrão (martelo).

    Hit with the marrão (hammer).

  • Bater com a cabeça.

    Hit your head.

  • Esbarrar com alguém.

    Run into someone.

  • Toldar-se (o vinho).

    Shading (wine).

  • Amarrar (falando-se do cão ).

    Tie (talking up the dog ).

  • Estudar muito, queimar as pestanas.

    Study hard, burn your eyelashes.



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