manda-send: meaning, definitions and translations

Portuguese dictionaryPortugueseEnglish

What is manda? manda is send

What is send?

  • Sinal de referência que remete o leitor para outro ponto.

    Reference signal which refers the reader to another point.

  • Legado.


  • Peditório para festas religiosas.

    Wake for religious festivals.

  • latim mando,-are, confiar, entregar, encarregar, ordenar

    Latin send,-are, trust, deliver, charge, order

  • Dar ordens a (ex.: mandar nos empregados).

    Give orders to (e.g., boss on employees).



  • Dar ordem de (ex.: mandaram evacuar o edifício; mandou que se calassem).

    Give an order (e.g., they ordered the building to be evacuated; ordered to be shut up).



  • Ordenar, exigir.

    Sort, require.

  • Governar, reger.

    Rule, rule.

  • Dirigir.


  • Enviar (ex.: já mandámos a encomenda).

    Send (e.g. we have already sent the order).

  • Expressar, exprimir, transmitir (ex.: mandar cumprimentos).

    Express, express, transmit (e.g. send greetings).

  • Arremessar, atirar, lançar (ex.: manda a bola).

    Throw, shoot, throw (e.g. send the ball).

  • Ter poder para governar ou dirigir (ex.: habituou-se a mandar).

    Having power to govern or drive (e.g. he got used to running).



  • Dar ordens (ex.: prefiro sugerir em vez de mandar).

    Give orders (e.g. prefer to suggest rather than send).

  • Atirar-se (ex.: mandou-se à água).

    Throwing yourself (e.g. sent to the water).

  • Ir-se embora.

    go away.

  • mandar vir

    send come

  • Reclamar ou mostrar descontentamento.

    Complain or show discontent.

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