exageradoexaggerated: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة البرتغالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىexagerado؟ معنى exagerado هو exaggerated

ما معنىexaggerated؟

  • particípio de exagerar

    participle of exaggerating

  • Que se exagerou.

    That you overreacted.

  • Em que há exagero.

    In which there is exaggeration.

  • Hiperbólico; excessivo.

    Hyperbolic; excessive.

  • Aquele que tem o hábito de exagerar.

    The one who has a habit of exaggerating.

  • Representar (coisas, pessoas, ditos, etc.) com exageração.

    To represent (things, people, sayings, etc.) with exageneration.

  • Encarecer; afectar .

    Face up; Affect.

  • afectar


  • Ser exagerado.

    To be exaggerated.

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