cueca-underwear: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is cueca?cueca is underwear

What is underwear?

  • cu +-eca
  • O mesmo que cuecas.
    The same as underwear.
  • Forma de ultrapassar um adversário fazendo passar a bola por entre as pernas dele, conservando a posse de bola ou marcando golo .
    To overcome an opponent by passing the ball between his legs, keeping possession or scoring a goal.
  • Peça de roupa interior, com duas aberturas para passar as pernas, que cobre a parte inferior do tronco.
    Piece of underwear, with two openings to move legs, covering the lower part of the trunk.
  • Ceroulas largas que descem até ao joelho.
    Wide drawers that go down to the knee.