rodeva-was bugging: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is rodeva? rodeva is was bugging

What is was bugging?

  • Rosicchiare: r. un pezzo di pane secco i tarli hanno roso tutta la tavola ║ Rodersi il fegato (o l’anima ), provare rabbia │ Un osso duro da r., difficile da affrontare.

    Rosicchi: R. a piece of dry bread the woodworms have browned the whole table - Gnat your liver (or soul), feel anger " A hard bone from r., difficult to deal with.

  • estens. Logorare progressivamente: la ruggine rode il metallo il fiume ha roso progressivamente gli argini.

    extens. Progressively wear out: rust gnaws at metal, the river has progressively gnawed away at its banks.

  • fig. Affliggere: lo rode il rimorso.

    Fig. To grieve: remorse gnaws at him.

  • region. Come intr.(aus. avere ), provocare dispiacere: gli rodeva di non poter venire alla partita.

    region. As intr. (aus. avere ), to provoke displeasure: it gnawed at him that he could not come to the game.

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