ribelle-rebel: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

Włoski słownik/%dictionary_xs%Angielski

Co jest ribelle? ribelle jest rebel

Co jest rebel?

  • Responsabile di rivolta armata: le popolazioni r. anche s.m. e f.: i r. si rifugiarono sulle montagne.

    Responsible for armed revolt: the populations r. also s.m. and f.: the r. took refuge in the mountains.

  • estens. Insofferente: carattere r.║(RELIG). Gli angeli r., i demoni.

    synthetic. Impatient: a. character ║ (RELIG). R. Angels, demons.

  • fig. Resistente a qls. trattamento: malattia r. capelli r.

    Fig. Resistant to qls. treatment: disease r. hair r.

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