previdenza-retirement planning: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


previdenza คืออะไร previdenza แปลว่า retirement planning

retirement planning คืออะไร

  • L’abitudine di prendere in considerazione, prudentemente e tempestivamente, le necessità del futuro: un uomo di grande p.

    The habit of taking into consideration, prudently and promptly, the needs of the future: a man of great p.

  • (ECON). L’azione svolta dallo stato allo scopo di assicurare ai lavoratori un reddito minimo e l’assistenza necessaria, quando vengono a trovarsi in condizioni di bisogno: p. sociale enti, istituti di p.║ P. integrativa , che si affianca a quella dello stato.

    (ECON). The action carried out by the state in order to ensure workers a minimum income and the necessary assistance, when they find themselves in conditions of need: p. social bodies, institutes of p.║ P. integrative, which joins that of the state.

