postulato-postulate: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

Włoski słownik/%dictionary_xs%Angielski

Co jest postulato? postulato jest postulate

Co jest postulate?

  • (FILOS). Assumere come premessa logicamente necessaria per la dimostrazione o giustificazione di qcs.: l’obbligo morale postula la libertà del volere ║(MAT). Enunciare un postulato.

    I think it is a 2- To assume as a logically necessary premise for the demonstration or justification of qcs.: the moral obligation postulates the freedom of the will' (MAT). Enunciate a postulate.

  • estens. Presupporre, implicare, richiedere: il contratto postula una disponibilità illimitata.

    synthetic. Assume, imply, require the contract requires an unlimited availability.

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