pinguini-penguins: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


pinguini คืออะไรpinguini แปลว่า penguins

penguins คืออะไร

  • (ZOOL). Uccello antartico, di notevoli dimensioni, inetto al volo, con zampe palmate e con un caratteristico piumaggio bianco sul petto e nero sul dorso; fuori dall’acqua mostra un’andatura eretta, goffa ed impacciata.
    (ZOOL). Large Antarctic bird inept on the fly, with webbed feet and with a distinctive white chest and white plumage on the back; out of the water showing an upright gait, clunky and awkward.
  • estens. Con allusione ai colori dell’uccello, gelato di panna ricoperto di cioccolato.
    extensions. With allusion to the colors of the bird, cream ice cream covered with chocolate.