pedinare-dog: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is pedinare? pedinare is dog

What is dog?

  • tr. Seguire passo passo, a una certa distanza e con cautela, per controllare movimenti e comportamenti: fece pedinare la moglie da un investigatore privato.

    Tr. Follow step by step, at a certain distance and with caution, to control movements and behaviors: he had his wife stalked by a private investigator.

  • intr.(aus. avere ). Lo spostarsi della selvaggina a passi brevi e rapidi, per sfuggire alle insidie del cane e del cacciatore.

    Intr. (aus. have ). The displacement of the game in short and rapid steps, to escape the pitfalls of the dog and the hunter.

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