marcatura-marking: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


marcatura คืออะไร marcatura แปลว่า marking

marking คืออะไร

  • L’operazione diretta ad applicare o imprimere un contrassegno funzionale e duraturo, atto a specificare la proprietà, la provenienza o la qualità: la m. del bestiame.

    The operation aimed at applying or imprinting a functional and lasting mark, specifying of the property, provenance or quality: the m. of the livestock.

  • (SPORT). Realizzazione di punti in una gara a squadre ║ Marcamento: cambiare le m.

    (SPORT). Realization of points in a team race - Marking: change the m.

