litigare-quarrel: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is litigare? litigare is quarrel

What is quarrel?

  • intr. Venire a diverbio con qcn. in modo scomposto: litiga con tutti l. per futili motivi ║ Rompere un rapporto di consuetudine o di amicizia: hanno litigato e non si vedono più.

    Intr. Come to disagreement with qcn. so decomposed: argues with everyone l. for trivial reasons ║ breaking a customary relationship or friendship: they fought and not seen anymore.

  • intr.(DIR). Essere in causa: l. con i parenti per un’eredità.

    Intr. (DIR). Be involved: l. with relatives for a legacy.

  • tr. pron. Contendersi: i due bambini si litigavano il giocattolo.

    tr. pron. Contest: the two kids were fighting the toy.

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