insufficienteinsufficient: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىinsufficiente؟ معنى insufficiente هو insufficient

ما معنىinsufficient؟

  • Inferiore al minimo necessario: la razione di pane è i.

    Less than the minimum necessary: the bread ration is i.

  • (SCOL). Valutazione che esprime giudizio negativo; anche come s.m.: ho preso un i. a matematica.

    (SCOL). Evaluation that expresses negative judgment; also as s.m.: I took an i. to mathematics.

  • Privo delle qualità e della preparazione necessarie: si rivelò i. di fronte al nuovo compito.

    Lacking the necessary qualities and preparation: he revealed himself to be i. in the face of the new task.

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