ingrassare-grease: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


ingrassare คืออะไร ingrassare แปลว่า grease

grease คืออะไร

  • tr. Far diventare grasso o più grasso: i dolci ti ingrassano ║ Mettere all’ingrasso: i. i polli, i maiali.

    Tr. Make fat or fatter: sweets make you fat ║ Put to fattening: i. chickens, pigs.

  • tr.(AGR). Riferito a terreni agrari, concimare.

    tr. (AGR). Referring to agricultural soils, fertilize.

  • tr. Lubrificare con grasso: i. i freni di una bicicletta.

    Tr. Lubricating with grease: i. the brakes of a bicycle.

  • intr.(aus. essere ) e intr. pron. Diventare grasso o più grasso, aumentare di peso ║ fig. Prosperare in modo illecito o parassitario: i. sulle miserie altrui.

    Intr. (aus. be ) and intr. Pron. Become fat or fatter, gain weight ║ fig. To prosper in an illicit or parasitic way: i. on the miseries of others.

