galere-galleys: Bedeutung, Definitionen und Übersetzungen


Was heißt galere? galere heißt galleys

Was heißt galleys?

  • (MAR). Galea, dove veniva scontata la pena del remo.

    (MAR). Galley, where it was obvious the trouble of the oar.

  • estens. La pena dei lavori forzati, dell’ergastolo ║ fam. Prigione, penitenziario ║ Avanzo di g., persona moralmente degradata, capace delle peggiori azioni.

    synthetic. The penalty of forced labour, of life imprisonment ║ fam. Prison, penitentiary ║ surplus of g., person morally degraded, capable of the worst actions.

  • fig. Luogo dove la vita riesca intollerabile.

    Fig. Place where life seem intolerable.

  • Grosso spazzolone per lucidare i pavimenti.

    Big brush to Polish the floors.

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