ergersi-stand: meaning, definitions and translations

Italian dictionaryItalianEnglish

What is ergersi? ergersi is stand

What is stand?

  • Levare in alto, innalzare: e. il capo.

    Lift up, lift up: e. the head.

  • Edificare, costruire, erigere: e. un monumento.

    Building, building, erecting: e. a monument.

  • intr. pron. Innalzarsi, elevarsi, spiccare: la vetta del Cervino si erge maestosa.

    Intr. Pron. Rise, rise, stand out: the summit of the Matterhorn rises majestically.

  • rifl.(fig.). Elevarsi arbitrariamente a una qualifica, un' autorità, un diritto: ergersi a giudice.

    refl. (fig.). Arbitrarily elevating oneself to a qualification, an authority, a right: to set oneself up as a judge.

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