eliotropio-Heliotrope: Bedeutung, Definitionen und Übersetzungen


Was heißt eliotropio? eliotropio heißt Heliotrope

Was heißt Heliotrope?

  • (BOT). Pianta erbacea con fiori bianchi in cime, usata nella medicina popolare come astringente e vulneraria ║ genrc. Pianta che si volge verso il sole, es. il girasole.

    (BOT). Herbaceous plant with white flowers on tops, used in folk medicine as an astringent and vulnerary ║ genrc. Plant that turns towards the sun, e.g. sunflower.

  • (MINER). Varietà di calcedonio cosparso di macchie di color rosso-sangue talora tendenti al giallo, cui si attribuiva in antico il potere di rendere invisibili.

    (MINER). Varieties of chalcedony sprinkled with blood-red spots sometimes tending to yellow, which was attributed in ancient times the power to make invisible.

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