doman-doman: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

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Co jest doman? doman jest doman

Co jest doman?

  • Riferito a una bestia feroce o selvatica, renderla mansueta, docile; ammaestrare, addomesticare.

    Referring to a ferocious or wild beast, make it meek, docile; train, tame.

  • fig. Riferito a persona, avere ragione del suo carattere ribelle, renderla ubbidiente ║ Assoggettare, sottomettere, soggiogare.

    Fig. Referring to a person, to be right about his rebellious character, to make him obedient ║ To subdue, to subdue, to subdue.

  • fig. Sedare, reprimere, stroncare: d. una rivolta d. un incendio ║ Sottomettere a una regola severa, al controllo morale; controllare: d. gli istinti d. la lingua.

    Fig. To quell, to repress, to crush: d. a revolt d. a fire ║ To submit to a strict rule, to moral control; control: d. instincts d. language.

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