divina-Divine: meaning, definitions and translations

Italian dictionaryItalianEnglish

What is divina? divina is Divine

What is Divine?

  • Appartenente o riconducibile alla divinità: l’onnipotenza d., la grazia d. estens., sacro: le d. scritture ║ Soprannaturale: l’idea del d. nella poesia del Petrarca.

    Belonging or attributable to the divinity: the omnipotence d., the grace d. estens., sacred: the d. scriptures ║ Supernatural: the idea of the d. in the poetry of Petrarch.

  • estens. Altissimo, perfetto: il d. poeta , per antonomasia, Dante ║ iperb. Straordinario, stupendo, squisito: bellezza d. musica d.

    estens. Very high, perfect: the d. poet, par excellence, Dante ║ hyperb. Extraordinary, gorgeous, exquisite: beauty d. music d.

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