deformatowarped: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىdeformato؟ معنى deformato هو warped

ما معنىwarped؟

  • Modificare nella forma, privare dell’aspetto originario consueto o regolare: le variazioni di temperatura possono d. i corpi.

    Change in shape, depriving the usual or regular original appearance: temperature changes can d. bodies.

  • fig. Alterare, distorcere, falsare: d. la verità.

    Fig. Alter, distort, distort: d. the truth.

  • Perdere la propria forma, alterarsi nella forma.

    Losing its shape, altering itself in form.

  • fig. Trasformarsi, mutarsi: nel ricordo la realtà si deforma.

    Fig. Transforming, changing: in memory reality is deformed.

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