cristoChrist: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىcristo؟ معنى cristo هو Christ

ما معنىChrist؟

  • (RELIG). Unto, consacrato: appellativo di Gesù di Nazareth ║ Fratello in C., secondo il vincolo dell’amore col quale Cristo legò tutti gli uomini tra loro │ Addormentarsi in C., morire nella grazia divina.

    (RELIG). Anointed, consecrated: the name of Jesus of Nazareth - Brother in C., according to the bond of love with which Christ tied all men together - Falling asleep in C., dying in divine grace.

  • (ART). Immagine di Cristo, spec. crocifisso: il C. di Cimabue, del Velázquez ║ fig. Persona sventurata: povero c.!

    (ART). Image of Christ, spec. crucifix: the C. of Cimabue, of the Velázquez ║ fig. Unfortunate person: poor c.!

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