corniceframe: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىcornice؟معنى cornice هو frame

ما معنىframe؟

  • Telaio che inquadra dipinti, fotografie, specchi.
    Frame framing paintings, photographs, mirrors.
  • fig. Qls. elemento che delimiti, abbellisca o metta in risalto qcs. ║(DIR). Legge c., vedi legge.
    Fig. Qls. element that delimits, embellishes or emphasizes qcs. ║(DIR). Law c., see law.
  • (ARCHIT). Membratura aggettante di una superficie.
    (ARCHIT). Projecting membrature of a surface.
  • (SPORT). Gradino orizzontale di una parete rocciosa.
    (SPORT). Horizontal step of a rock face.