continuerocontinuer: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىcontinuero؟ معنى continuero هو continuer

ما معنىcontinuer؟

  • tr. Proseguire, seguitare, protrarre: c. il viaggio c. a mangiare.

    Tr. To go on, to continue, to prolong: c. the journey c. to eat.

  • intr.(aus. essere ). Durare: il maltempo continuerà fino a domani Prolungarsi: il sentiero continua oltre il monte.

    Intr. (aus. to be). Last: the bad weather will continue until tomorrow Extend: the path continues over the mountain.

  • intr.(aus. avere ). Perseverare, insistere: continuava con le sue provocazioni Andare avanti, proseguire: non è possibile c. così continua da questo punto.

    Intr. (aus. to have ). To persevere, to insist: he continued with his provocations To go on, to continue: it is not possible to continue from this point.

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