clienteclient: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىcliente؟ معنى cliente هو client

ما معنىclient؟

  • Chi abitualmente si vale delle prestazioni di qcn. o fa le sue spese in un luogo prescelto.

    Who you routinely i.e qcn performance. or does his expenses in a chosen location.

  • (STOR). A Roma, il cittadino che accettava la protezione di una persona autorevole o influente in cambio di servigi ║ fig.(spreg.). Persona che si mette a disposizione di un autorevole personaggio, spec. politico, per ottenerne in cambio favori e protezione.

    (STOR). In Rome, the citizen who accepted the protection of an authoritative or influential person in exchange for services - fig.(spreg.). Person who makes himself available to an authoritative character, spec. political, to obtain favors and protection in return.

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