capace-capable: significat, definicions i traduccions

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Què és capace? capace és capable

Què és capable?

  • Atto a contenere molte cose o persone.

    Suitable to contain many things or people.

  • In grado di compiere qcs.: c. di fare, di capire c. d’intendere e volere ║(DIR). Del soggetto che ha la capacità di agire: c. di contrarre un’obbligazione.

    Able to accomplish qcs.: c. to do, to understand c. to understand and want ║(DIR). Of the subject who has the capacity to act: c. to contract an obligation.

  • Esperto, abile: un operaio c. ║ Intelligente, dotato: un giovane assai c.

    Expert, skillful: a worker c. ║ Intelligent, gifted: a young man very c.

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