bananabanana: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىbanana؟معنى banana هو banana

ما معنىbanana؟

  • (BOT). Il frutto del banano: bacca gialla, oblunga e arcuata, con polpa molle, profumata e dolce.
    (BOT). The fruit of the banana: yellow, oblong and arched berry, with soft, fragrant and sweet pulp.
  • fam. Ciocca di capelli arrotolati sulla testa, per il lungo, nell’acconciatura femminile e di bambini.
    Fam. Lock of hair rolled up on the head, for the long, in the female and children's hairstyle.
  • (FIS). In elettrotecnica, spina unipolare con manico isolante, per collegamenti provvisori.
    (FIS). In electrical engineering, unipolar plug with insulating handle, for temporary connections.