acclamato-acclaimed: význam, definice a překlady

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Co je acclamato?acclamato je acclaimed

Co je acclaimed?

  • Fare oggetto di clamorose manifestazioni di consenso e di entusiasmo: la folla acclamava il vincitore.
    To be the object of clamorous demonstrations of consensus and enthusiasm: the crowd cheered the winner.
  • Eleggere per acclamazione ║ estens. Riconoscere pubblicamente:è stato acclamato (come ) migliore attore del festival.
    Elect by acclamation ║ estens. Publicly acknowledging: he was acclaimed (as) best actor at the festival.
  • Come intr.(aus. avere ), mandare grida di plauso: a. a una proposta.
    As intr. (aus. to have ), to send cries of applause: a. to a proposal.