deroger-derogate from: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is deroger? deroger is derogate from

What is derogate from?

  • Porter atteinte aux stipulations d'une loi, d'une convention ; enfreindre : Les privilèges dérogent au droit commun.

    Infringe the stipulations of a law, an agreement; infringe: Privileges derogate from common law.

  • Pour un noble, perdre les privilèges de son rang pour s'être abaisséà la dérogeance.

    For a nobleman, to lose the privileges of his rank for having lowered himself to the derogation.

  • Littéraire. Faire une chose indigne de ses principes, de son rang.

    Literary. To do something unworthy of his principles, of his rank.

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