baril-barrel: meaning, definitions and translations

French dictionaryFrenchEnglish

What is baril? baril is barrel

What is barrel?

  • Petite barrique, petit tonneau ; son contenu.

    Small barrel, small barrel; its contents.

  • Emballage pour la poudre à laver, ayant souvent forme de tonnelet.

    Packing for washing powder, often forming a barrel.

  • Ancienne mesure de capacité, qui valait à Paris 18 boisseaux, ou 235 litres.

    Old measure of capacity, which was worth in Paris 18 bushels, or 235 liters.

  • Unité de volume propre à l'industrie du pétrole et valant 158, 98 litres.(Traduction de l'américain barrel.)

    Unit of volume specific to the petroleum industry and worth 158.98 liters. (Translation from the American barrel.)

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