seducir-seduce: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is seducir? seducir is seduce

What is seduce?

  • tr. Atraer enormemente, ejercer alguna persona o cosa una gran atracción sobre alguien: me seduce su mirada; le seduce el brillo del oro.

    Tr. To attract enormously, to exert some person or thing a great attraction on someone: I am seduced by his gaze; he is seduced by the brilliance of gold.

  • Convencer, persuadir sutilmente, especialmente con el fin de que se obre mal: nos sedujo a todos para que calláramos su delito.

    To convince, to subtly persuade, especially in order to get it wrong: it seduced us all into keeping quiet about its crime.

  • Persuadir una persona a otra para que tenga relaciones sexuales con ella, sobre todo si se vale de argucias o artimañas: el muy ruin sedujo a una adolescente.

    Persuading another person to have sex with them, especially if they use tricks or tricks: the very ruinous seduced a teenager.

  • Irreg. Se conj. como conducir .

    Irreg. It is conj. how to drive.

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