secundaria-secondary: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is secundaria? secundaria is secondary

What is secondary?

  • tr. Ayudar, favorecer a una persona para que logre su objetivo: cuando solicitó unos días de vacaciones, todos le secundamos.

    Tr. Help, favor a person to achieve his goal: when he requested a few days of vacation, we all supported him.

  • adj. Segundo en orden: enseñanza secundaria.

    Adj. Second in order: secondary education.

  • No principal, accesorio: actor secundario; asignatura secundaria.

    Not main, accessory: supporting actor; secondary subject.

  • adj. y m. geol. De los terrenos triásico, jurásico y cretácico o relativo a estos periodos de la segunda era de la Tierra: fósil del periodo secundario; durante el secundario vivieron grandes reptiles.

    adj. and m. geol. From the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretacetic terrains or relative to these periods of the second Earth era: fossil of the secondary period; during high school lived large reptiles.

  • geol. mesozoico.

    geol. Mesozoic.

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