publicada-posted: meaning, definitions and translations

Spanish dictionarySpanishEnglish

What is publicada? publicada is posted

What is posted?

  • tr. Hacer patente y manifiesta al público una cosa: los diarios de mañana publicarán la noticia.

    Tr. Make one thing clear and manifest to the public one thing: tomorrow's newspapers will publish the news.

  • Revelar o decir lo que estaba secreto u oculto: ha sido detenido por publicar secretos oficiales.

    Reveal or say what was secret or hidden: He has been arrested for publishing official secrets.

  • Difundir por medio de la imprenta o de cualquier otro procedimiento técnico: ha conseguido que una editorial le publique su primera novela.♦ Se conj. como sacar .

    Disseminate through the printing press or any other technical procedure: it has managed to get an editorial to publish its first ♦ novel. how to get out.

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