portar-Porting: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is portar? portar is Porting

What is Porting?

  • tr. Llevar o traer: portar armas.

    tr. Carry or bring: bear arms.

  • prnl. Conducirse, comportarse.♦ Suele ir acompañado de adverbios de modo: si te portas bien, te llevaré al cine.

    prnl. Behave, behave. ♦ tends to be accompanied by adverbs of mode: If you behave, I will take you to the movies.

  • No defraudar una persona a lo que se esperaba de ella: creí que no nos ayudaría, pero al final se portó.

    Not to defraud a person to what was expected of her: thought that you would not help us, but at the end he behaved.

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