marchitó-withered: meaning, definitions and translations

Spanish dictionarySpanishEnglish

What is marchitó? marchitó is withered

What is withered?

  • adj. Ajado, deslucido, mustio, falto de lozanía: las flores que corté ya están marchitas.

    adj. Shady, lackluster, musty, lacking freshness: the flowers I cut are already withered.

  • tr. y prnl. Ajar, deslucir, secar: marchitarse una flor .

    Tr. and prnl. Ajar, deslucir, dry: wilt a flower .

  • Enflaquecer, quitar el vigor: la enfermedad la marchitó.

    To make it sour, to take away the vigor: the disease withered it.

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