juicios-trials: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is juicios?juicios is trials

What is trials?

  • m. Facultad del entendimiento que permite discernir y valorar: su juicio le dictaba prudencia.
    m. Faculty of understanding that allows discernment and value: his judgment dictated prudence.
  • Opinión, valoración: no me fío demasiado de sus juicios literarios.
    Opinion, assessment: I do not trust his literary judgments too much.
  • Salud mental, estado de la razón opuesto a la locura: ha perdido el juicio, la pobre; está falto de juicio.
    Mental health, state of reason opposed to madness: he has lost his mind, the poor; it is lacking in judgment.
  • Cordura, sensatez: demostró mucho juicio al rechazar la propuesta.
    Sanity, sanity: he showed a lot of judgment by rejecting the proposal.
  • der. Conocimiento de una causa en la cual el juez ha de pronunciar la sentencia: juicio público.
    Der. Knowledge of a case in which the judge has to pronounce the sentence: public trial.
  • lóg. Operación del entendimiento que consiste en comparar dos ideas para conocer y determinar sus relaciones: le condenaron en un juicio justo.
    lóg. Operation of understanding that consists of comparing two ideas to know and determine their relationships: they condemned him in a fair trial.
  • juicio contencioso der. El que se sigue ante el juez sobre derechos o cosas que varias partes contrarias litigan entre sí.
    contentious judgment der. The one that is followed before the judge about rights or things that several opposing parties litigate with each other.
  • juicio de faltas der. El que trata infracciones leves municipales o penales.
    judgment of faults der. The one who deals with minor municipal or criminal offenses.
  • juicio de valor Opinión, parecer que se da de manera subjetiva, sin pruebas fehacientes que lo demuestren: por ahora que sea culpable no es más que un juicio de valor.
    Value judgment Opinion, appearing to be given subjectively, without reliable evidence to prove it: for now that you are guilty is nothing more than a value judgment.
  • juicio final o universal rel. El que ha de hacer Dios a todos los hombres al fin del mundo.
    final or universal judgment rel. The one who is to make all men at the end of the world.
  • estar uno en su sano juicio loc. Tener uno cabal y entero su entendimiento para poder obrar con perfecto conocimiento: desde que murió su hijo no está en su sano juicio.
    be one in their right mind loc. To have one fully and completely his understanding in order to be able to act with perfect knowledge: since his son died he is not in his right mind.