intereses-interests: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is intereses? intereses is interests

What is interests?

  • intr. Tener interés en una persona o cosa: esta conferencia me interesa mucho.

    Intr. Having an interest in one person or thing: I'm very interested in this conference.

  • Importar: te interesa presentar esa solicitud cuanto antes.

    Import: You're interested in applying as soon as possible.

  • tr. Inspirar interés o afecto a una persona: creo que le has interesado al jefe.

    Tr. Inspire interest or affection for a person: I think you've interested the boss.

  • Producir una cosa alteración o daño en un órgano del cuerpo: la herida interesaba la zona lumbar.

    Produce one thing alteration or damage to an organ of the body: the wound interested the lower back.

  • prnl. Demostrar interés: se interesó por la salud de tu padre.

    prnl. Show interest: He became interested in your father's health.

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