gusta-like: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is gusta? gusta is like

What is like?

  • intr. Agradar, parecer bien algo a alguien: me gusta cómo me miras.

    Intr. Please, seem well to someone: I like how I look.

  • Desear, sentir afición: le gusta ir al cine.

    Want, feel hobby: likes going to the cinema.

  • tr. Degustar, sentir el sabor en el paladar: gustar el vino; ¿gusta usted?

    tr. Taste, taste on the palate: like wine; do you like?

  • Probar, experimentar: en su vida ha gustado todo tipo de emociones.

    Test, experiment: in his life liked all kinds of emotions.

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